Hey! 👋

My name is Matt and I’m a biomedical engineer/researcher/scientist.

That's me alright

About 👦

My research focuses on analyzing movement in health and disease, with a particular focus on quantitative assessments of Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and other neurodegenerative movement disorders.

I’m from Ireland, but have been living and working in Germany and Luxembourg since 2019.

Some of my main research interests include:

  • Nonlinear signal processing:
    Real-world applications of nonlinear dynamics and information theory in biosignal analysis, with particular focus on entropy methods and recurrence quantification analysis.

  • Electromyography:
    Modelling, analysing and novel applications of surface electromyography. In particular, I’m interested in novel techniques to examine the dynamical behaviour of motor unit fire patterns and how they may be employed as digital biomarkers of neurodegenerative disease.

  • Integrity in Scientific Publication and Modern Scientific Practices:
    Supporter of initiatives that make scientific publication open-access, unbiased, and trustworthy. I am an advocate of alternative publication models that aim to overcome the shortcomings in scientific publication.

  • Julia Programming:
    Promoter of the Julia programming language.

In summary:
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