Example 5: Multiscale Entropy Object - MSobject()


The base and cross- entropy functions used in the multiscale entropy calculation are declared by passing EntropyHub functions to MSobject(), not string names.

Create a multiscale entropy object (Mobj) for multiscale fuzzy entropy, calculated with an embedding dimension of 5, a time delay (tau) of 2, using a sigmoidal fuzzy function with the r scaling parameters (3, 1.2).

Mobj = MSobject(FuzzEn, m = 5, tau = 2, Fx = "sigmoid", r = (3, 1.2))
(Func = EntropyHub._FuzzEn.FuzzEn, m = 5, tau = 2, Fx = "sigmoid", r = (3, 1.2))

Create a multiscale entropy object (Mobj) for multiscale corrected-cross-conditional entropy, calculated with an embedding dimension of 6 and using a 11-symbolic data transform.

Mobj = MSobject(XCondEn, m = 6, c = 11)
(Func = EntropyHub._XCondEn.XCondEn, m = 6, c = 11)