Multivariate Multiscale Entropies

Functions for estimating the Multivariate multiscale entropy of a multivariate time series dataset.

Just as one can calculate multiscale entropy using any Base or Cross- entropy, the same functionality is possible with multivariate multiscale entropy using any Multivariate function: MvSampEn, MvFuzzEn, MvDispEn, MvPermEn, MvCoSiEn.

To do so, we again use the MSobject function to pass a multiscale object (Mobj) to the multivariate multiscale entropy functions.


Multivariate multiscale entropy functions have two positional arguments:

  1. the multivariate dataset, Data (an NxM matrix of N observations (>10 elements), and M time series (>1)),
  2. the multiscale entropy object, Mobj -> see MSobject
MSx, CI = MvMSEn(Data, Mobj)

Returns a vector of multivariate multiscale entropy values (MSx) and the complexity index (CI) of the data sequences in Data using the parameters specified by the multiscale object (Mobj) over 3 temporal scales with coarse- graining (default).


By default, the MvSampEn and MvFuzzEn multivariate entropy algorithms estimate entropy values using the "full" method by comparing delay vectors across all possible m+1 expansions of the embedding space as applied in [1]. These methods are not lower-bounded to 0, like most entropy algorithms, so MvMSEn may return negative entropy values if the base multivariate entropy function is MvSampEn and MvFuzzEn, even for stochastic processes...

MSx, CI = MSEn(Data::AbstractArray{T,2} where T<:Real, Mobj::NamedTuple; Scales::Int=3, Methodx::String="coarse", Plotx::Bool=false)

Returns a vector of multivariate multiscale entropy values (MSx) and the complexity index (CI) of the data sequences in Data using the parameters specified by the multiscale object (Mobj) and the following keyword arguments:


Scales - Number of temporal scales, an integer > 1 (default: 3)

Method - Graining method, one of the following:

          {`coarse`,`modified`,`generalized`} [default = `coarse`]  
          For further info on these graining procedures, see the EntropyHub guide.

Plotx - When Plotx == true, returns a plot of the entropy value at each time scale (i.e. the multiscale entropy curve) [default: false]


For further info on these graining procedures see the EntropyHub guide.

See also MSobject, cMvMSEn, MvFuzzEn, MvSampEn, MvPermEn, MvCoSiEn, MvDispEn


[1] Ahmed Mosabber Uddin, Danilo P. Mandic
     "Multivariate multiscale entropy analysis."
     IEEE signal processing letters 19.2 (2011): 91-94.

[2] Madalena Costa, Ary Goldberger, and C-K. Peng,
     "Multiscale entropy analysis of complex physiologic time series."
     Physical review letters
     89.6 (2002): 068102.

[3] Vadim V. Nikulin, and Tom Brismar,
     "Comment on “Multiscale entropy analysis of complex physiologic
     time series”." 
     Physical Review Letters 
     92.8 (2004): 089803.

[4] Madalena Costa, Ary L. Goldberger, and C-K. Peng. 
     "Costa, Goldberger, and Peng reply." 
     Physical Review Letters
     92.8 (2004): 089804.

[5] Madalena Costa, Ary L. Goldberger and C-K. Peng,
     "Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals." 
     Physical review E 
     71.2 (2005): 021906.

[6] Ranjit A. Thuraisingham and Georg A. Gottwald,
     "On multiscale entropy analysis for physiological data."
     Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
     366 (2006): 323-332.

[7] Ahmed Mosabber Uddin, Danilo P. Mandic
     "Multivariate multiscale entropy: A tool for complexity
     analysis of multichannel data."
     Physical Review E 84.6 (2011): 061918.
MSx, CI = cMvMSEn(Data, Mobj)

Returns a vector of composite multivariate multiscale entropy values (MSx) and the complexity index (CI) of the data sequences in Data using the parameters specified by the multiscale object (Mobj) over 3 temporal scales with coarse-graining (default).


By default, the MvSampEn and MvFuzzEn multivariate entropy algorithms estimate entropy values using the "full" method by comparing delay vectors across all possible m+1 expansions of the embedding space as applied in [1]. These methods are not lower-bounded to 0, like most entropy algorithms, so MvMSEn may return negative entropy values if the base multivariate entropy function is MvSampEn and MvFuzzEn, even for stochastic processes...

MSx, CI = cMvMSEn(Data, Mobj, Refined = True)

Returns a vector of refined-composite multiscale entropy values (MSx) for the data sequences in (Data) using the parameters specified by the multiscale object (Mobj) using the refined-composite multivariate multiscale entropy method (rcMSE) over 3 temporal scales. When Refined == true, the base entropy method must be MvSampEn or MvFuzzEn. If the entropy method is MvSampEn, cMvMSEn employs the method described in [1]. If the entropy method is MvFuzzEn, cMvMSEn employs the method described in [5].

MSx, CI = cMVMSEn(Data::AbstractArray{T,2} where T<:Real, Mobj::NamedTuple; Scales::Int=3, Refined::Bool="false", Plotx::Bool=false)

Returns a vector of multivariate multiscale entropy values (MSx) and the complexity index (CI) of the data sequences in Data using the parameters specified by the multiscale object (Mobj) and the following keyword arguments:


Scales - Number of temporal scales, an integer > 1 (default: 3)

Refined - Refined-composite MvMSEn method. When Refined == True and the entropy function specified by Mobj is MvSampEn or MvFuzzEn, cMvMSEn returns the refined-composite multivariate multiscale entropy (rcMSEn) [default: False]

Plotx - When Plotx == true, returns a plot of the entropy value at each time scale (i.e. the multiscale entropy curve) [default: false]

See also MvMSEn, MSobject, MvFuzzEn, MvSampEn, MvPermEn, MvCoSiEn, MvDispEn


[1] Shuen-De Wu, et al.,
    "Time series analysis using composite multiscale entropy."
    15.3 (2013): 1069-1084.

[2] Shuen-De Wu, et al.,
    "Analysis of complex time series using refined composite
    multiscale entropy."
    Physics Letters A
    378.20 (2014): 1369-1374.

[3] Ahmed Mosabber Uddin, Danilo P. Mandic
    "Multivariate multiscale entropy: A tool for complexity
    analysis of multichannel data."
    Physical Review E 84.6 (2011): 061918.

[4] Ahmed Mosabber Uddin, Danilo P. Mandic
    "Multivariate multiscale entropy analysis."
    IEEE signal processing letters 19.2 (2011): 91-94.

[5] Azami, Alberto Fernández, Javier Escudero.
    "Refined multiscale fuzzy entropy based on standard deviation for
    biomedical signal analysis."
    Medical & biological engineering & computing 55 (2017): 2037-2052.